Thursday, 31 July 2008

Slow Day Vintage - Digable Planets

Alicia Keys & Jack White Record New Bond Film Theme

Jack White of 'The White Stripes' fame and Alicia Keys of 'Good Lord, look at her!' fame have recorded the theme to the latest Bond flick, 'Quantum Of Solace'.
It's the first duet ever used as a Bond theme.
And that's the whole story... this post was just an excuse to use a picture of Miss Keys. Sue me.

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

A Tribe Called Quest - Scenario (Unreleased Version feat. the Native Tongues posse) mp3

Good lord. I would apologise for the quality, but this is mp3 gold dust, so I wont.
De La Soul, Leaders of the New School, and Black Sheep jump on the original version of the CLASSIC "Scenario" posse cut from 'Low End Theory'. DJ Johnny Juice, who was there, reminisces on the session thus:
"Tribe Called Quest was doing ‘Scenario’. It was me, Dinco, Busta, Jarobi was there –everybody was in that motherfucker – Dres from Black Sheep was there, both of ‘em, Chris Lighty, Mase and Pos from De La, all them motherfuckers rhymed on ‘Scenario’. Everybody rhymed on it but Q-Tip, and the best motherfucker on that shit was Posdnuos. He fuckin’ destroyed it, and he ain’t even like the beat! And after he finished rhyming, everybody went back and rewrote their rhymes!"
I'm telling you... Pos is the emcee's emcee. Enjoy.
Courtesy of Robbie.

The Mighty Underdogs - Gunfight (Video)

The Mighty Underdogs are an Underground Hip Hop Supergroup, made up of DJ Shadow's buddies Lateef the Truth Speaker and Blackalicious emcee Gift of Gab, plus Crown City Rockers producer, Headnodic. Look out for their album coming soon on Def Jux records.

The Jesus Christ of Underground Rap shows up on this one too.

Monday, 28 July 2008

Elite Squad - Trailer

This looks good.

From the Director of 'Bus 174' and the writer of 'City of God'.

ebay Hoverboard Auction Starts at $30,000

Jesus Christ.
It doesn't actually fly, so who the hell would be willing to pay between $30,000 - $50,000 for a pink plank of wood? A fully operational Flux Capicitor... that's a different matter.
Click HERE to see how the auction is going and for more info.

Thursday, 24 July 2008

?uestlove x Nike = ?uestForce 1

Ahmir '?uestlove' Thompson, leader of the legendary Roots crew, has teamed up with everybody's favourite sweatshop conglomerate Nike to create shoes that he describes as "an extension of my personality". Looking at these, some critics might argue that he should be sectioned under the Mental Health Act next time he touches down in the UK.
There will be a limited number of these available, which is nothing unusual. What is unusual though, is that each pair will be sold in a sealed box, and ?uestlove has hinted on his blog that there is some kind of Willy Wonka Golden Ticket fuckery associated with the release. Anyway, he wanted his own shoe and he's got one. I'm pleased for him. He's a legend.
Click HERE for more pics and info.

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Oasis - Falling Down (Chemical Brothers Remix) mp3

New Oasis. Remixed by Tom and Ed.
It's excellent, and makes me wonder if the Chemicals should produce all of their stuff from now on.
(Right Click > Save As...)

Madvillainy 2: The Box

So, Madlib has remixed some tracks and is putting it out as Madvillainy 2.
When you get news like this, it's impossible to be disappointed, even though when M2 was first mooted, we thought it was all new Madlib and DOOM tracks. Not to be.
Then, Stones Throw hit us with the news that a special limited edition box-set will be available from 15th September (picture above) for the princely sum of $125, and containing a CD, a demo cassette, a t-shirt and a bunch of other shit that I covet like a lunatic.
You can pre-order until August 15th.
For those who cannot wait until then (or can't afford to spend 70 quid on a CD), go to their webstore and download a digital version for $10. I just did.

Chemical Brothers - Midnight Madness (Video)

This is better than good.

Monday, 21 July 2008

Alife x Q-Tip = Classic T-shirt

Classic T-shirt. Spotted over at
Click HERE for more pics and info.

MF Doom & J Dilla - Sniper Elite mp3

Eventually it arrives.
Stones Throw promised us this would be available at the end of June. Better late then never though. And it was almost never, as when I tried to buy this donwload from the Stones Throw webstore, I was told that only US Credit Cards could be accepted. Brit racists! Either way, enjoy the sound of two geniuses at work.
UPDATE: I understand this track is actually called 'Sniper Elite'.
I suppose 'Sniperlite' was a typo.

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Bloc Party - Mercury mp3

New Bloc Party. They're sticking with the electronic sound that we heard on 'Flux'.
I like the stutter effect on the tracks chorus... they've been saying they want to sound more urban, and this does just that.

Watchmen Trailer

The film of the graphic novel. THE graphic novel, by all accounts. It looks pretty good to me, but I never read the book so what would I know...

Saturday, 19 July 2008

Terminator Salvation - Teaser Trailer

Christian Bale starring = Good
McG Directing = Bad
The Terminator music = Good

I'm scoring it 2-1 at this point, but do we really need another three Terminator flicks?

Jimi Hendrix Nike Dunk

Dezism take customising to a new level with these Hendrix tribute Dunks. Now personally, I wouldn't wear them in public, but I appreciate the time and effort that has gone into creating them. The "If 6 was 9" detail is pretty cool. Good colours too.

Fonzworth Bentley - Everybody (Video) feat Kanye West, Andre 3000 and Sa-Ra

This is somewhat humourous. Bentley is the chap who used to carry Puff's brolly for him.

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Common - DJ Semtex's "Invincible Summer" Preview

Our very own DJ Semtex met up with Lonnie recently and interviewed him for 1xtra. Common took him through 8 of his new albums' tracks in a mini 'listening session', and Semtex breaks them down one by one on his blog.
What we learn...
(1) There are no beats by Kanye
(2) Neptunes provide most of the music
(3) Cee-Lo features on a track
(4) There is a dedication track to Biggie Smalls
(5) Common is "influenced by the UK club scene"
* some other stuff.

Kanye Absolut Ad

Radiohead - House of Cards (Video)

Great Odin's raven!

"No cameras or lights were used. Instead two technologies were used to capture 3D images: Geometric Informatics and Velodyne LIDAR. Geometric Informatics scanning systems produce structured light to capture 3D images at close proximity, while a Velodyne Lidar system that uses multiple lasers is used to capture large environments such as landscapes. In this video, 64 lasers rotating and shooting in a 360 degree radius 900 times per minute produced all the exterior scenes."

Monday, 14 July 2008

Kevin Bacon and the Zebrugge Ferry Disaster

Charlie Brooker on conspiracy theories:

"Throughout my twenties I earnestly believed Oliver Stone's account of the JFK assassination. Partly because of the compelling (albeit wildly selective) way the "evidence" was blended with fiction in his 1991 movie - but mainly because I WANTED to believe it. Believing it made me feel important.
Embrace a conspiracy theory and suddenly you're part of a gang sharing privileged information; your sense of power and dignity rises a smidgen and this troublesome world makes more sense, for a time. You've seen through the matrix!"

Read the rest of this article, from Charlie's G2 column, by clicking HERE.

Erykah Badu - Real Thang (Remix featuring Clipse & Re-Up Gang) mp3

Another 'rap remix' appears for a Badu album track. I'm not sure that this needed a new beat (the Madlib-produced original cannot be bettered), but an appearance from the Clipse and their 'weed carriers' can't hurt. Produced by Tumblin' Dice, mp3 courtesy of noz.


Real Thang (Remix) mp3

(right click, Save Target As...)


Max Payne - Official Movie Trailer

My anticipation levels for films based on video games couldn't be lower, but this looks dark, and dark is good, so it's got a 5% chance of being added to my lovefilm list in about a years time.


More dip than humous.

Monday, 7 July 2008

The Rascals - Freakbeat Phantom mp3

The latest group from the Liverpool area (well, The Wirral in this instance) to play 60's influenced proper pop music with a vague psychedelic air about it (like The La's, Cast, Coral and The Zutons have before them).
You'll know this band better as "the one fronted by the Alex Turner's mate", and you'd be half right. But Miles Kane isn't just "the other one" in The Last Shadow Puppets, and The Rascals, born out of the disbanded group The Little Flames, make great music in their own right.
This is the highlight of their debut album 'Rascalize', which you should go here and buy straight away.
If you do, you'll soon see where much of the musical direction for the '...Shadow Puppets' project came from.

Slow Day Vintage: Master Ace - Music Man (Video)

It's a slow day, so here is some vintage music for you to appreciate.

adidas Brand Centre - Beijing

adidas have just completed work on their biggest shop.
It's been built in China to coincide with this years Olympic games.
Yes, this is a very impressive building (although it doesn't exactly blend in with its surroundings does it?), and if I lived in Beijing, I'd probably bankrupt myself on Y-3 gear and football shorts. But something just doesn't feel right. Maybe it's because I get the impression it was built using slave labour on a site where people used to live until the government bulldozed their homes while they were at work, and left them a cheque for 30% of the property's market value.
Without question, this Olympic games will be a memorable spectacle, but I'm pretty certain it will take months to get the bad taste out of my mouth. Would you bet against the Chinese police shooting at demonstrators at some point during the games?
Neither would I...

More info and pics over at hypebeast.

Friday, 4 July 2008

"Stop talking like what copper... It's how I talk, see!"

Dave Chappelle is a very very funny man. If you don't know, now you know...

White Denim - I Can Tell mp3 / Gig Review

I saw these guys play an hour long set at Cargo in Shoreditch last night. Having listened to this band for the past few months, and seen the media coverage they've been getting of late, I was surprised they were playing such a small show. But I wasn't complaining. The intimate nature of the venue meant that I could stand near enough to the stage to see close-up how good White Denim are as musicians.
From the moment they came on, the energy was sky-high and never dropped. The guitars were loud and the sweat was flying. Plus, they looked like they were having the time of their life playing their music, the drummer was swigging spirits straight from the bottle, and every song broke down into a kind of wild jam session. But through it all, there was a sense that they knew exactly which direction the chaos would go, or if they didn't, they caught up with each other pretty quickly. At the end, they said thanks for coming, waved and walked off stage leaving the crowd calling for an encore that didn't come. To be fair, they had worked hard enough by then!
If you are unfamiliar with White Denim, download the track below, then go here and buy their album for less than £8. You'll like it, I promise.

First 5 Minutes of The Dark Knight (video)

Go immediately to Kanye's blog to watch the first 5 minutes of the new Batman film, The Dark Knight. It's a heist scene, and it bodes very well for the rest of the flick.
Click HERE to be taken there.
UPDATE: Bad news. I hope you saw it while you could because Warner Brothers shut that video down with a swiftness rarely seen. If it reappears, of course I'll provide the link.

Mickey Factz & Fresh Daily - Keep Moving mp3

New York's Mickey Factz teams up with Fresh Daily and steals Mr. Scruff's jazzy "Get A Move On" track (from his classic Keep It Unreal album, which you should definitely have in your collection). Click below for multiple download options.

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Nas - Queens Get The Money mp3 (produced by Jay Electronica)

I know, I know... a lot of Nas tracks getting posted.
Produced by Erykah's 'BFF' Jay Electronica (if you don't know who he is, go and see nation, who will explain it fully through the medium of sound), I suppose this is off Nas' 'Untitled' LP. It's definitely got that Jay Electro signature sound.

Quantum of Solace - Teaser Trailer

The first official trailer for Bond 22, "Quantum of Solace".
The poster above is superb. It hinted at the possibility of some impressive cinematography, and the trailer partially backs that up. Daniel Craig looks 'fat' as usual, and the chap from the excellent 'The Diving Bell & The Butterfly' gets to do some acting while walking around and talking and stuff. Click below.