Sunday, 25 January 2009

The War on Humour continues - "Ross threatens to shag a Spanish granny"

^ Ross with a granny he probably raped or touched up or something
Fuckery timeline:
Saturday, 10:00 - Ross returns to Radio 2.
10:01 - Old farts and Tories grumble about the BBC, longing for days when women knew their place and Harry Secombe was the definition of 'edgy'
10:02 - 13:00 - Ross is entertaining, and often humourous. Doesn't call any actors from 'Fawlty Towers'.
13:01 - Arseholes and Tories countrywide hit 'listen again' on Radio 2's website and make notes of all humourous content, looking for ammunition, no matter how weak, to create a 'shocking' exclusive for Sunday's papers.
13:30 - Arseholes and Tories countrywide hear Ross say something about an 80 year old Spanish lady having "one more night before the grave". Tories get so excited they have to have a quick asphixiwank.
23:59 - BBC get wind of the non-story and confirm that nobody has complained. Not one solitary soul.
Sunday, 09:30 - I pick up the News Of The World 'paper'.
09:31 - Front fucking page: "Ross New Radio Sex Slur"
09:31 and 6 seconds - Notice that Tory fuckstick David Davies has supplied a quote calling for Ross to be sacked. I puke into my mouth with rage, and spit it into the 'paper'.
09:35 - I buy some big knives, some parafin and 'homemade bomb'-making materials in preparation for the 'war between them and us', which is clearly only days away. The pragmatic versus the right-wing lunatics. The light-hearted versus the mean. The asphixiwankers versus the normal wankers.
11:55 - I cry, wondering how the world became a neo-conservative hellhole.

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