Two Weeks (Live on Letterman) mp3
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Best Albums of 2009 - No. 8
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Knight and Day - Trailer
Tom Cruise is not gay and Cameron Diaz doesn't look rough as old boots.
*looks for sarcasm button on keyboards*
Fraggle Rock Tee's

Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Simon Cowell: Shit for Ears (Charlie Brooker)

The temptation might be to pour a lot of time and effort into creating a catchy anti-X Factor anthem, but the smartest counter-move would be to release something short, cheap and throwaway that isn't even a proper song at all. I propose a track called Simon Cowell: Shit for Ears, which consists of a couple of eight-year-olds droning the phrase "Simon Cowell, shit for ears" four times in a row in the most deliberately tuneless manner possible.
Then we release it online at the lowest price possible. What's the bare minimum you can charge and still be eligible for a chart position? It could be as little as 2p. Because the track is just recorded on to a cheap mic, and released without the assistance of any record label, 100% of the profits go to charity."
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Jay-Z - Young Forever feat Mr. Hudson (Video)
Horrible song... but I'm sure this expensive video and the obscene amount of radio play this single is getting will push it up the charts.
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Best Albums of 2009 - No. 9
Girls - Lust For Life (Video)
I love this track. It makes me wish the sun was shining...
From the recently released album by Girls, entitled 'Album', just to keep things simple.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Friday, 18 December 2009
Iron Man 2 - Trailer
This looks the business. It has brought the big kid out in me.
Plus, is that Scarlett?
Best Albums of 2009 - No. 10
Rihanna - Hard feat. Young Jeezy (Video)
Posted for obvious reasons, and they don't include the quality of the music.
Update: Video removed due to copyright infringement. Gutted [sarcasm].
Best Albums of 2009 - No. 11
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Jay Electronica - Exhibit C mp3

Life Magazine - Photos of the Year 2009
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Monday, 14 December 2009
The Drums - Let's Go Surfing (Video)
Another track off my 'years best' list...
eb's 'Albums of 2009' coming soon...
"Nutters from Parkhurst dressed in Yeti suits"
Alan Ford. Legend.
Cockney Sunday Observer sketch, from Armando Iannucci.
Portishead - Chase the Tear (Video)
The video to Portishead's Amnesty International 'charity single'.
Skiing Fail
Joy Orbison - Hyph Mngo (Audio)
One of the year's best dance tracks.
Provided today as a prelude to Eternal Broadcaster's 'Best Albums of 2009' post, coming soon...
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
How NOT to deal with relegation...
Coritiba could only draw at home to Fluminese, which meant that the home side were relegated.
Yes, there are tears in the crowd, and dejected fans trudging out, much as you would see in England.
But then... it all goes 'a bit Brasilian', and the home fans decide to try and kill the referee and anyone else who is still on the pitch.
Mind you, if West Ham don't improve rapidly, I'm sure we'll see similar scenes at Upton Park come May next year...
YAW - Where Would You Be (Audio)
Apologies for the visuals, but just listen to the music.
It could just be the best 4 minutes 17 seconds of your day...
If you like this (and if you don't, your sick), you can pick it up on iTunes. It features on Gilles Peterson's Brownswood Bubbler's 3 compilation.
Definite - Playin' These Games mp3

Wow... Chongqing Edition

The Horrors - Who Can Say (Video)
I bought this album earlier in the year, and it sat on my shelf for months.
I dug it out at the weekend, and have been playing this track in particular on a regular basis.
They seem to have lost the goth look, and gone a bit Joy Division. Good move...
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Blakroc - What You Do To Me mp3

Saint John of Las Vegas - Trailer
This looks good.
Steve Buscemi can do no wrong in my eyes. Sarah Silverman likewise...
Your own Terry Richardson...

Camp Lo - Oodles of O's (De La Soul Tribute) mp3

Brooklyn's Finest - Trailer
From the director of Training Day.
It appears he has adopted the CSI approach and made Training Day: New York.
And Snipes is virtually reprising his Nino Brown character from New Jack City.