Thursday, 31 December 2009

Best Albums of 2009 - No. 8

8. Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
This album is about more than advertising track placements and celebrity fan (Jay-Z and Beyonce) endorsements. I first heard Two Weeks through GvsB, who posted a rip of Grizzly Bear's live performance on the Letterman show (mp3 below). Since then, that particular track has been hard to avoid, but I know it has been an excellent advert in itself for the album. A little bit folk, a little bit indie, we have another album that is difficult to categorise succinctly, probably due to the lack of overriding trademark image (no big hair, no skinny jeans, no beards) or gimmick (not recorded in a log cabin, not a supergroup).
Veckatimest is another sunny, summertime album, but one that drifts over you with a light touch, rather than many of the Beach Boys tribute bands we have seen of late, where 'SUMMER!' is rammed down your neck, whether you like it or not.
I'll leave you with that Two Weeks (Live) mp3 and the video for my current favourite track from the album...

Two Weeks (Live on Letterman) mp3

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